Drawing Level II

Drawing Level II - This five-week session is geared toward intermediates who want to learn to successfully create landscapes with trees and buildings. The first class will be a refresher on the basic techniques of shape, light source, shading, and perspective. Class will meet on Tuesdays from 1:30-3:30PM starting March 11 through April 8. First class will take place at the Granada Community Services District Meeting Room, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor with remaining classes sometimes taking place outdoors, weather permitting. Instructor, Claudia Marshall, has taught drawing classes on the Coast for over 10 years and works professionally as a portrait artist. Class size, minimum six, maximum 12. Class Fee $200 payable to GCSD. For new students, there is a $25 materials fee paid directly to Instructor on first day of class. Adults (18+).
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